Analysis of Tencent ESG Disclosure Highlights and Issues


  • Jingjing Ling



Tencent, ESG disclosure, Sustainability, Stakeholders, Corporate governance


This thesis analyzes Tencent's disclosure status in depth based on its 2022 ESG report. In terms of highlights, Tencent presents environmental, social and corporate governance results through specific cases, regularly updates its report to show progress, and follows international and domestic standards to ensure compliance. However, there are also significant problems. In terms of quantitative indicators, key data in many areas are missing or not detailed, which affects performance evaluation; in terms of materiality issues, disclosure of key ESG initiatives and their effectiveness is lacking; and in terms of stakeholder engagement, there are insufficient details of cooperation and interaction with various parties. Tencent should improve its disclosure strategy, enhance the quality of information, and increase stakeholders' understanding of and trust in its ESG efforts in order to promote the optimization of sustainable development practices.


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How to Cite

Ling, J. (2024). Analysis of Tencent ESG Disclosure Highlights and Issues. International Journal of Finance and Investment, 1(1), 72-74.