International Journal of Finance and Investment (IJFI) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Darcy & Roy Press. The mission of the journal is to provide an academic forum for discussing the issues of finance, business and investment across the world. All articles published are rigorously and fast reviewed meeting the Journal Quality standards.

General Information of IJFI

ISSN: 3078-6002 (Print) | ISSN: 3078-2295 (Online)
E-mail: submission@ijfi.net, ijfi@drpress.org

Indexing & Abstracting

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About IJFI

Finance refers to monetary resources and to the study and discipline of money, currency, assets and liabilities. As a subject of study, it is related to but distinct from economics, which is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Based on the scope of financial activities in financial systems, the discipline can be divided into personal, corporate, and public finance.

Investment is traditionally defined as the "commitment of resources to achieve later benefits". If an investment involves money, then it can be defined as a "commitment of money to receive more money later". From a broader viewpoint, an investment can be defined as "to tailor the pattern of expenditure and receipt of resources to optimize the desirable patterns of these flows". When expenditures and receipts are defined in terms of money, then the net monetary receipt in a time period is termed cash flow, while money received in a series of several time periods is termed cash flow stream.

Aims & Scope

IJFI publishes research articles, literature review articles, editorial, etc. Contributions are welcome from all fields of management, social sciences. The typical topics include, but are not limited to the following fields:

Accounting and audit
Assets management
Balance of payment
Bank Fund management
Banking and investment
Behavioral finance
Business climate for investments
Business economics
Business planning & developments
Capital management
Corporate finance & governance
Cost accounting
Earnings management
Econometrics models
Economic theory of investment
Enterprise risk management
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Finance and banking
Financial derivatives

Financial markets and institutions
Financial risk management
Financial Strategies of Investments
Fixed income securities
Foreign direct investment
Foreign exchange markets
Industrial relations
Insurance & Taxation
Investment management
Investment strategies
Investments and economic development
Mergers and acquisitions
Offshore banking
Personal finance
Portfolio and security analysis
Risk and return
Strategic management
Time value of money
Valuation and financial management