Research on the Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction from the Perspective of Experience Value

Taking the Langham Place Shenzen as an Example


  • Haiming Chen
  • Min Duan
  • Fang Chen



Experience value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction


Hotels are typical service enterprises. To enhance the competitiveness of hotels, it is imperative to improve the quality of hotel services and customer satisfaction. This paper takes the Langham Place Shenzen in Shenzhen as the research object to analyze the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. The research results indicate that service quality has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, service quality has a positive impact on perceived value, perceived value has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, and perceived value is an important mediating variable in the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Chen, H., Duan, M., & Chen, F. (2024). Research on the Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction from the Perspective of Experience Value: Taking the Langham Place Shenzen as an Example. International Journal of Finance and Investment, 1(1), 82-87.